Support We Provide

  • Shelter

    Funding for orphanage and ministry buildings (rented, leased or owned). Structural repairs and improvements (mosquito screens, doors, bathroom facilities, showers, etc.).

  • Food

    Food supplies to support each child and caretaker for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Meals typically consist of porridge, rice and beans, and other locally-source food.

  • Water

    Installation and maintenance of water tanks and purification systems to provide safe drinking water. Re-usable water bottles for children to take safe water to school.

  • Clothing

    Clothing and shoes for every child, appropriate to meet the needs of each season. Coats, jackets, and outerwear to keep children dry and warm in the cooler months.

  • Medical and Dental Care

    Medical and dental care to treat sickness and infections, including visits to the hospital, dentist or specialist for diagnosis, treatment, surgery, and medications.

  • Education

    Tuition money to send each child to public or private school and college/trade school once they graduate. Uniforms, school supplies, backpacks, and classroom donations.