New Life Ministries (NLM)

In 2017, a Ugandan volunteer engaged in an outreach program with Shepherd’s House Church, led by his pastor. Witnessing orphans and marginalized elderly women, the outreach aimed to support with clothing and food. However, the dire situation of orphans caring for themselves became evident, compelling this volunteer and his childhood friend to establish a collective home for the children. The impact intensified during the COVID pandemic, leading to the loss of caretakers due to hunger.

Facing personal challenges amid job loss in the tourism industry, both of the founders persevered, finding support from two compassionate individuals, Laurie (Director, TSOR) and Eileen, who shared their calling. United in purpose, they collaborated to uplift the children from destitution. With the aid of generous contributions from the United States, New Life Ministries expanded, providing essential resources, food, clothing, medical care, and facilitating the return of the children to school. From an initial 20, the ministry grew to encompass 31 children, embodying a beacon of hope for those who once faced the harsh realities of life on the streets.